Camden Music Club

Camden Music Club

Camden Music Club

Camden Music Club is an alt-pop/dance duo based in Camden, London, UK.

We specialise in drum and bass driven pop with an emphasis on strong melodies and vocal harmonies.

So far we've recorded three albums. The latest one, OK LONDON, was released on February 20, 2024.

The first two albums, HAWLEY ROAD (2021) and KENTISH TOWN (2022) are mainly guitar-based.

On OK LONDON, we keep a disco guitar sound, but add strings and synths.

Our songs are about city life, love and politics and are rooted in where we live.

Camden Music Club

The new album...

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 ALBUM:   OK London (2023, 18 songs)

 Click here to SEE ALL SONGS 

Groovy dance-pop songs. Eighteen tracks on the album. Fewer guitars and more synths and strings. But still totally bass-driven. A very distinct disco vibe!

 Click here to LISTEN TO THE ALBUM 

The second album

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 ALBUM:   Kentish Town (2022, 12 songs)

 Click here to SEE ALL SONGS 

More bass and drum driven alt-pop guitar songs with a 60s/80s/90s vibe. Twelve tracks on the album. Some driving guitar-pop songs and some rather more psychedelic tunes. As on HAWLEY ROAD, some soulful vocal harmonies. Released in 2022.

 Click here to LISTEN TO THE ALBUM 

The first album

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 ALBUM:   Hawley Road (2021, 19 songs)

 Click here to SEE ALL SONGS 

Bass and drum driven alt-pop guitar songs with a 60s/80s vibe. Nineteen tracks on the album. A mixture of aggressive indie bangers and softer alt-pop tunes with an R&B edge. Soulful vocal harmonies. Released in 2021.

 Click here to LISTEN TO THE ALBUM 

Three songs from OK LONDON...

Three songs from KENTISH TOWN...

Three songs from HAWLEY ROAD...